Cougar Winery held its blending event last night and Val, Cooled and I attended.

We all come in, sit at the table full of glasses, bottles of wine, crayons, paper, beakers and this? I know I am in trouble, four bottles of wine, glasses empty and then science project? Right, drunk girls who didn’t do well at science sober.. we wont win the event for sure. We ended up using this paper for passing notes to each other.

We picked Julian to blend our choices of wines, she is a lover of red wines and sounded like she knew what she was talking about. Val and I took notes and drank the mixtures while Cooled drank water and spied on the competition.

These ladies came all the way from Illinois and have been friends for 40 years. A true testament to the power of female friendship. We raise a glass to you.

Val and I continue our “taste testing” pretending to know what we are doing and saying things like, ” a bit buttery, I taste pepper, dry, has a bite” and so on. I start playing with Tim Title my mascot from work.

Wine is blended, we pick our favorite, we are now well on our way of being intoxicated, and we are asked to create a label for our wine! Now we know what the paper and crayons are for! Really! This should have been before wine.. as you can see for yourself. Cooled tells me ” isn’t funny how adults draw just like children” I am thinking drunk adults are just like children..
So here is our bottle’s label, its a Cougar, not a rabbit and yes it really was the best we could do. No we didn’t win best bottle.

Now we have to pitch our wine to the competition. Lets sacrifice the pretty one, young, adorable great hair, grand idea. She does a great job, talking about our blend, which is called “Love @ First Bite” due to the bite at the beginning. Thanks Julian, great job!

Table 8, our girls from Illinois, have created a wine that speaks about their friendship and call it The 3 Amigos, a blend of 3. She does a great job and the story of the ladies is making us all so happy.

Wine is left on the table and as my mom always raised me to waste not want not, I continued my “tasting” and personal blending. Tim sort of got ignored.

So as quick as it began it ends, I cant recall who won the blending, but I am sure it was a worthy candidate. I leave a bit more educated about blending but still not sure about that wheel thing. Next time I will surely attack my night a bit different.
1. Draw the label before wine.
2. Taste and pour out remainder in glass.
3. Eat prior to event.
4. Taste and pour out remainder in the glass.
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