Our Saturday Walk

On March 15th Travis, Stacie and I volunteered for the Phoenix Brain Tumor Walk to raise funds for research of a cure.

On March 15th Travis, Stacie and I volunteered for the Phoenix Brain Tumor Walk to raise funds for research of a cure. The day starts early, we have been assigned to the food tent.

We are given our yellow shirts as to identify us as volunteers and we are off to setting up the food tent.

We are given our yellow shirts as to identify us as volunteers and we are off to setting up the food tent.

We quickly are told what our responsibilities will be which include setting up the tables full of several hundred doughnuts, bagels, trays of fresh fruit and the icing of bottled water, all of which has been donated by local stores and bakeries. Upon opening the first bag of bagels from Chompies’s Deli we learn that they must be cut in half…. with knife in hand Stacie and I tackle the hundreds of bagels to be sawed in half. These bagel are so fresh that they fold when pressure is applied by the knifes. I do believe these were the freshest bagels I have ever encountered. Travis takes up manning the doughnut boxes and making sure they are replenished when emptied. Waters are iced, we set up the apples, bananas, oranges, Kind snack bars and put the juice bags on ice for the young walkers. We are ready… just in time as the walkers are coming.
The walkers are arriving and filtering in, some in groups walking for a friend or family member that is or was fighting this horrible illness.

The walkers are arriving.

The walkers are filtering in, some in groups walking for a friend or family member that is or was fighting this horrible illness. They are sporting tutu’s, T-shirts with their loved ones names, it is awesome to see so many caring for this cause. After their registration they are off visiting the booths and “carbing” up for the walk. At this point my day becomes quite a blur as Stacie and I can barely keep up on the cutting of bagels…. Bagel Frenzy
Teams walking for the cure
The walk begins and I am able to sneak away to grab some photos to share.
Red Shirt Team
Grey Shirt
Hundreds are walking
Such a wonderful sight
As the walkers continue I am able to speak to some of the survivors at the event. One young man, now 28, has been fighting this for 18 years, he is partially blind with a bit of hearing loss. He has taken up magic and is very entertaining, I find myself completely amused with his abilities.
I talk with another that had 3 years free of treatment, but has found it is back and again the fight begins.
Travis is one of my reasons for being at the event, he was diagnosed at age 10 with brain cancer. A type that they say the child is born with and it presents around the ages of 10 to 23 most often. It has been 3 years since he was first diagnosed, he tries to forget about it and my asking him to come and help today is a reminder that it is a life long fight. I am worried that this might be a bit much for him, and his quietness this morning reminds me of how frightened he must be.
Childhood cancer is a sad fact and it strikes hard and fast. So many times the symptoms are dismissed as they can present as a normal illness, or headache in our Travis’s case. When we are blessed to have beaten the illness, we are still left with the damaging effects of the very treatment that saves our loved ones life. The child is to face of life of uncertainty and questions of what will happen in the future.
I am not sure what the future holds for a cure for cancer but I know we need to focus on prevention also, as the treatments are just as scary as the cancer itself.
I want to say in the last 3 years I watched my Grandson overcome his brain cancer, lost a girlfriend to her brain cancer and lost our cousin to his brain cancer. Not to mention the several others in my circle currently fighting breast cancer. It is our responsibility to help in this fight and volunteer to the originations that have formed to help raise funds for research, such as the Brain Tumor Foundation.

We really can make a difference….. and they really do need our help.. I know we could have used some extra hands cutting those bagels…

Live life like someone left the gate open….it can close all to soon.


Horsing Around Events

In this section I will be listing events and asking for all of you to inform us of events in your areas. It seems to me that we all want to be at all places at all times and to have missed an event that you could have attended but never knew it existed is even worse!

If we can find many of them here in one location how perfect can that be! As I travel I find events all over, this weekend I attended the Second Annual Horsemen’s Reunion in Paso Robles Ca. So many of the residents that we met during our stay in Paso had no idea themselves that the event was happening right down their street at the fairground. Horse people talk to horse people and wine people talk to wine people… well girls not us, we will be talking to both! So let’s get our heads out of the barrel and into Horsing around postings and find out what we won’t be missing.

As I shared the event with the wine pourers at the tasting bars, they had no idea it was taking place and of course what fun I had telling them about it.. non horse people enjoy watching horse events and horse people enjoy wine events..

horsingaroundThis is a photo of Larry Mahan training his colt, the colt had just laid down on him and then up as quick as he went down. Larry is world famous cowboy, 8 time World Champion Cowboy with 6 All Around World Championships, to be able to watch him start a colt and work him for 6 days , then have the opportunity to purchase this colt at the event’s end auction, well amazing! This little colt only took $1,400.00 at auction, he needed a lot more time.

I only heard about this event at an event I attended as it was posted in the ladies room! The things we learn in the ladies room.
